Frequently Asked Questions

Please see below a list of frequently asked questions about the Quitmate program. If your question is not answered, you can contact us on 1300 991 259.

Why quit smoking?

Smoking is dangerous for your health and is the major risk factor for serious health complications such as lung cancer, heart attack, stroke and peripheral vascular disease. Smoking shortens your life expectancy. It is expensive and second-hand smoke can damage the health of your loved ones. The good news is that quitting smoking is possible with the right help and support and important for anyone, no matter how long you have been smoking. Your risk of smoking related disease significantly reduces once you quit. Importantly, only 3-5% of people quit successfully without the support of a health professional. So, talk to a clinician and get the help you need to quit smoking today.

What treatments are available to help quit smoking?

There are several treatments that clinicians may recommended as part of a plan. It is important to talk about the risks and benefits of using any treatment.

What are the side effects of quitting smoking?

Side effects can be common when you quit smoking, especially for the first few weeks. Common symptoms include:

  • Cravings
  • Anger, frustration irritability
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Restlessness
  • Anxiety/ depression
  • Hunger/ increased appetite
  • Heart racing
  • Sweating
  • Cough

Talk to our clinicians if you are experiencing these symptoms.

How does the quit smoking program work?

Quitmate clinicians are Australian Registered medical practitioners and authorised smoking cessation doctors. Our clinicians are independent practitioners and use their expert judgement to provide patients safe and personalised care for smoking cessation. Clinicians are under no obligation to prescribe medication of any kind and will provide a management plan that is best suited to the needs of each individual after a comprehensive assessment of the medical needs.